

Definition and Examples of the Printing Technique Carborundum

The basis of this art print technique is carborundum, a silicon carbide that is a component of many abrasives. Various grit sizes are available in the trade. From very fine to very coarse powder, all shades of grey up to deep black can be reproduced. The carrier plate can be a copper plate, a Pavatex or acrylic glass plate with a thickness of 3 mm is also perfectly suitable. You can read a detailed explanation including instructions and numerous examples in my
book “Photogravure” (Coming soon).

More about this technique:


From the work cycle: Ghosts, 2024

The brochure (only in German) incl. selling prices:  Download


From the work cycle: My Heroes, 2020


From the work cycle: Painting and Printing, 2020


From the work cycle: London, 2020


From the work cycle: Self-Portraits, 2020


From the work cycle: Vertigo, 2019

